Our Impact:
SALT is grateful for the opportunity to impact the communities we serve in practical, tangible ways, allowing for deeper transformation within. Here are a few of the achievements we've seen through God’s grace and goodness:
Through partnerships with Farm Sudan, ACAV (Italian NGO), UNICEF, and the UN’s Food & Agricultural arm, our communities have received farming tools, seeds, sports equipment, and fishpond structures.
We funded construction of a primary school and arranged for two college-trained teachers. Enrollment jumped from 30 to over 200 children in one year!
Board members intervened to help replace a dilapidated community church.
We helped our community organize the Joint Effort Multipurpose Cooperative Society (JEMCOS), registered at county and state levels. This allows interested individuals to achieve common goals for the betterment of the whole community.
We initiate talks with school management committees, PTAs, and chiefs in community development.
We helped the community of Midigo develop their 10-year community development strategy.
Through our sports program, we’ve seen positive, healthy competition among the youth in our communities.
Funded and installed a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) station at an early childhood centre at a refugee camp.
As of 2020: Trained 170 new tailors in our single mothers’ vocational training program. They leave the program with a sewing machine so they can set up shop and start earning a living right away.
Over 20 new craftswomen have emerged from that training too, with the income-generating skill set of handbag and jewelry-making.
2019: SALT has provided business loans to 125 entrepreneurs (95% women) in its new and growing microfinance program. This type of resource can make the difference between someone being able to provide for their family themselves or relying on aid from others.
Over 50 youth in the PEER Teens youth empowerment program participated in 25+ outreach and service projects in churches, prisons, refugee camps and individual homes in the first two years of the program.
SALT holds monthly praise and worship services to bring God’s strength, hope and encouragement to students, clients, and SALT families.