Our Vision
Socially and economically empowered communities for self-resilience
Our Mission
Increasing access to opportunities and resources through social, economic and spiritual empowerment for holistic transformation and better life.
Our Core Values & Principles
Listening and Learning
Gender Sensitivity
Quality Work
Appreciation & recognition.
Our Beliefs
SALT is a Christ-centered non-governmental organization. We believe:
in the centrality of Christ in everything we do and in our service to humanity.
in the universality of the body of Christ (believers) and in the gifts everyone has been bestowed by the Spirit for the benefit of the universal church.
in an action oriented church (body of Christ) created to do good.
that SALT is ordained by Christ to be a light and salt to the world.
that we are called out to be ambassadors of hope and to make Christ known to the whole world through our witness and support of our mission.
in God’s unending love and in our duty to love Him and our neighbors.
in the presence of God in us and in our duty to live as those created in His image.
that it is not the privilege of only a few to live in riches while the rest languish in poverty.
that, in God, we are called to be developers of talents and builders of the kingdom through our service and being good stewards of His creation.